Skilled stockmen/women prioritise calf health and value the benefits of avoiding disease rather than treating sick calves. The use of outdoor calf hutches is guaranteed to be the optimum way of rearing calves for a more productive and profitable life.
VIG-O-COMFORT MAXI PLUS These are most user-friendly and strongest group hutch on the market!
Weight: 120 kg
Hutch Dimensions : 240cm X 225cm X 190 cm (lxwxh)

Made of high-density polyethylene
UV resistant
Easy to clean: - smooth inside and outside (not static)
Lockable rear ventilation
Roof ventilation
Straw window: easy spreading of straw from the back of the hut
Double bottom edge: no water seeping in from outside

Retractable user-friendly galvanised external pen on wheels and rails
Dimensions : 220cm X 220cm x 100cm
Lifting Handle
2 Feed boxes for hay and concentrates
7 Buckets
7 Bucket Holders
Headlocks to stall calves while they are drinking and prevent fast drinkers from bullying slow drinkers.
Secure operator access gate