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Benefits of Automatic Slurry Bubble System

Low Running Costs. Compressor can run for short periods on off peak electricity.

Complete Consistency. Maintains slurry in a semi-liquid state regardless of the storage period. Your last load has the same uniform consistency as your first load with an even distribution of slurry nutrients.

Odour Reduction. It has been found that there is a great reduction of odour during storage and spreading of slurry.

Low Maintenance. No corrosion. Completely sealed electronics. Only routine maintenance is required. We provide a maintenance contract.

Reduced Noise Pollution. The blower is enclosed in an Acoustic Cabinet.

Completely Automatic. The cycle times can be re-set to suit all eventualities. Where more than one tank is on the system then cycles can be directed as required to individual tanks.

Slatted Buildings. Cattle can remain in the shed during mixing. Therefore no disturbance to the cattle’s environment during mixing.


Automatic Slurry Bubble Systema simple, cost effective, energy efficient method to ensure standard consistency and improved quality in stored slurry. The ASBS is a bespoke aeration system that blows air through circuits of valves fixed to the tank base. The air is provided from a silenced compressor through a series of valves and manifolds to ensure sequential mixing. The system runs for a timed period once every twelve hours.

The ASBS differs from existing systems in that a bespoke software programme has been designed by Element Consultants Ltd to ensure the optimum system design for any tank or combination of tanks based on the slurry consistency and tank dimensions. The CAD plans are part of the system pack and allow seamless expansion of the system at a later date.

Standard Consistency is achieved through sequential mixing. Improved slurry quality is achieved by the encouragement of aerobic digestion through the introduction of air. It has been shown that aeration can reduce slurry odour, reduce Hydrogen Sulphide emissions, ensure uniform nutrient content, provide a uniform consistency and a low level of soluble nitrates.


When mixed correctly and applied by injection it has been shown that the nutrient value in dairy slurry was equivalent to £8.059 per cubic metre at 2008 prices for chemical fertiliser.

If correctly managed and applied, a full 40m x 20m x 3m tank was worth £19,703 in replaced chemical fertiliser at Aug 2008 prices.

The system has the following components: Electronic Controller, Compressor, Manifold & Solenoids, Distribution Circuits and Aeration Nozzels. There are no mechanical moving parts below the surface of the slurry.

The systems are installed by fully trained personnel. The system carries a back up service provided Nationwide by our network of distributors who are fully trained service personnel. Concerns for the environment and the farming community are reflected in our approach to our system. With all the benefits provided with the system where there is a one man operation then Slurry Aeration system is a must.

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